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[3] 国际能源经济学会中国委员会理事

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[1] 国家自然基金,基于低碳经济的能源价格体系动态优化理论与实证研究,项目负责人

[2] 国家社会科学基金,中国电力与经济的关系及电力发展战略研究,项目负责人

[3] 国家发展改革委员会,分电压等级、分用户对象输配电成本归集、核算、分配方法研究,项目负责人

[4] 国家能源局,典型市场能源比价关系与能源预测预警,项目负责人

[5] 北京市自然科学基金资助项目,北京市实现碳强度目标的能源价格政策研究与路径选择,项目负责

[6] 教育部人文社会科学研究项目,城市经济发展与电力需求预测及电网规划研究,项目负责人

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[8] 中国价格协会能源供水价格专业委员会,供热价格形成机制研究,项目负责人

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[11] 企业委托项目,城市电网规划风险评价及风险规避研究,项目负责人

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[13] 企业委托项目,禹州农网改造项目后评估,项目负责人

[14] 企业委托项目,国家节能政策与辽宁省用电研究,项目主研人

[15] 企业委托项目,华北地区饱和负荷预测,项目主研人

[16] 企业委托项目,辽宁省饱和负荷预测,项目主研人

[17] 企业委托项目,电网调控一体化管理模式研究,项目负责人

[18] 企业委托项目,用户智能响应行为分析及智能配电方案研究,项目负责人

[19] 企业委托项目,可中断电价和高可靠性电价研究,项目主研人

[20] 企业委托项目,甘肃省新能源电能消纳研究,项目负责人

[21] 企业委托项目,有序用电关键技术研究与需求响应应用展望,项目负责人

[22] 企业委托项目,基于新型营销组织模式的智能用电客户电费缴纳体系建设研究,项目负责人

[23] 企业委托项目,风电弃风电量价格机制研究,项目负责人

[24] 企业委托项目,跨区跨省购售电价机制研究,项目负责人

[25] 企业委托项目,电网投资与电价联动价格机制研究,项目负责人

[26] 企业委托项目,可再生能源并网监管趋势与公司适应策略研究,项目负责人

[27] 企业委托项目,电网电价定价关键技术及评价方法研究

[28] 企业委托项目,适应坚强智能电网发展的电网技术、经济评价方法模型及应用研究

[29] 企业委托项目,投资绩效评价方法与指标体系研究,项目负责人

[30] 企业委托项目,销售电价分类结构调整对甘肃国民经济发展的影响和作用,项目负责人

[31] 企业委托项目基于非均衡协整理论的新能源-节能减排-经济关系研究,项目负责人

[32] 企业委托项目,分布式能源定价理论、模型与应用,项目负责人

[33] 企业委托项目,基于能源革命趋势下电网企业对新能源供给消费引导策略和调节机制的研究,项目负责人

[34] 企业委托项目,电力市场改革趋势及未来营销服务模式研究,项目负责人

[35] 企业委托项目颂东水电站VOLL模型经济分析,项目负责人

[36] 企业委托项目,新形势下大电网与地方电网合作与发展,项目负责人

[37] 企业委托项目,省级输配电价改革试点方案研究,项目负责人

[38] 企业委托项目互联网+”供电服务发展调研, 项目负责人

[39] 企业委托项目,电力体制改革背景下电网规划与投资优化决策方法研究, 项目负责人

[40] 企业委托项目,新电力改革体制下西北电网常规能源和新能源置换补偿机制研究, 项目负责人

[41] 企业委托项目,适应新电改的电力定价关键技术研究与应用, 项目负责人

[42] 企业委托项目,省级输配电价改革试点方案研究, 项目负责人

[43] 企业委托项目,弃风、弃光背景下的电能替代模式及适应方法研究研究, 项目负责人

[44] 企业委托项目,全球能源互联网技术经济关键指标等项目研究, 项目负责人

[45] 企业委托项目,蒙西电网峰谷分时电价研究,项目负责人

[46] 企业委托项目,张家口清洁能源采暖经济性分析及补贴定价模型研究,项目负责人

[47] 企业委托项目,融合分布式电源开发及咨询服务的新型售电业务模式可行性研究,项目负责人

[48] 企业委托目,广东电力市场化交易成本效益分析模型,项目负责人

[49] 企业委托项目,全球能源互联网发展指数分析模型及应用研究,项目负责人

[50] 企业委托项目,新电改下我国辅助服务的市场机制设计、价格补偿机制及成本传导理论、模型和应用研究,项目负责人

[51] 企业委托项目,广义负荷解析理论研究与数据分析,项目负责人

[52] 企业委托项目,售电侧放开模式下零售电价价格政策研究及应用,项目负责人

[53] 企业委托项目,新电改下综合计划管理项目发展投入效益评价及全过程管理策略研究,项目负责人

[54] 企业委托项目,微电网多目标优化与“煤改电”工程评价方法研究,项目负责人

[55] 企业委托项目力金融产品设计与定价技术研究, 项目负责人

[56] 企业委托项目,基于大数据的设备资产评估委托运维, 项目负责人

[57] 企业委托项目,降价减负形势下保障电网和企业持续健康发展的两部制电价优化策略研究, 项目负责人

[58] 企业委托项目,改革条件下抽水蓄能电站的价格机制和传导机制设计、关键技术研究与应用, 项目负责人

[59] 企业委托项目,融合泛在电力物联网发展需求的配电网精准投资决策研究 ,项目负责人

[60] 企业委托项目,基于大数据的配电网工程建设全过程管控关键技术研究及应用-配电网工程项目管控关键节点的大数据关联分析研究项目负责人

[61] 企业委托项目,广义负荷需求响应互动机理及智能优化配置模型研究,项目负责人

[62] 企业委托项目,甘肃销售电价机制改革研究,项目负责人  


[1] Y.X. He, L.Y. Yang, H.Y. He, T. Luo, Y.J. Wang. Electricity Demand Price Elasticity in China Based on Computable General Equilibrium Model Analysis, Energy, 2011, 36(2): 1115-1123. (SCI检索)

[2] He Y X, Zhang S L, Yang L Y, et al. Economic Analysis of Coal Price-Electricity Price Adjustment in China based on the CGE Model, Energy policy, 2010, 38(11):6629-6637. (SSCI检索)

[3] He Y X, Dai A Y , Zhu J , et al. Risk Assessment of Urban Network Planning in China Based on the Matter-Element Model and Extension Analysis, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2011, 33(3):775-782. (SCI检索)

[4] He Y X, Zhang S L, Zhao Y S, et al. Energy-saving decomposition and power consumption forecast: The case of liaoning province in China, Energy Conversion and Management, 2011, 52(1): 340-348. SSCI检索)

[5] He Y X, Dash Wu D, Tao W, et al. Risk comprehensive evaluation of urban network planning based on fuzzy Bayesian LS_SVM, Kybernetes, 2010, 39(5): 707-722. (SCI检索)

[6] He Y X, He H Y, Wang Y J, et al. Forecasting model of residential load based on general regression neural network and PSO-Bayes least squares support vector machine, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18(4): 1184-1192. (SCI检索)

[7] He Y X, Zhu M Z, Xiong W, et al. Electricity transmission tariffs for large-scale wind power consumption in western Gansu province, ChinaRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews2012, 16(7): 4543–4550. (SCI检索)

[8] He Y X, Wang B, Wang J H, et al. Residential demand response behavior analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation: The case of Yinchuan in ChinaEnergy, 2012, 47(1): 230-236. (SCI检索)

[9] He Y X, Xia T, Xiong W, et al. Risk transmission assessment of electricity price chain in China based on ISM and ECMInternational Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2013, 46(1): 274–282. (SCI检索)

[10] He Y X, Zhou Y, Wang B, et al. Risk analysis and aversion of renewable energy supplies in China based on the Monte Carlo stochastic simulation method. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2012, 11(3): 975-981. (SCI检索)

[11] He Y X, Xia T, Liu Z Y, et al. Evaluation of the capability of accepting large-scale wind power in ChinaRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 19(1): 509–516. (SCI检索)

[12] He Y X, Luo T, Wang J H, et al. Analysis of reasonable energy price ratios in China, Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013, 139(9): 214-222. (SCI检索)

[13] Y.X. He, T. Xia, Y.Y. Liu, L.F. Zhou, B. ZhouResidential natural gas price affordability analysis–A case study of BeijingRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 28(12): 392–399. (SCI检索)

[14] Yongxiu He, Bing Wang, Jianhui Wang, Wei Xiong, Tian XiaCorrelation between Chinese and International Energy Prices Based on a HP Filter and Time Difference Analysis, Energy policy, 2013, 62(11): 898-909. (SCI检索)

[15] Yongxiu He, Tian Xia, Bing Wang, Wei Xiong, Jianhui Wang. Novel Cogeneration Cost-sharing Mechanism for Energy Savings and Emission Reduction in ChinaInternational Journal of Global Warming, 2014, 6(1): 58-78. (SCI检索)

[16] Y.X. He, Y.Y. Liu, T. Xia, B. Zhou. Estimation of Demand Response to Energy Price Signals in Energy Consumption Behaviour in Beijing, ChinaEnergy Conversion and Management, 2014, 80(4): 429435. (SCI)

[17] Yongxiu He, Yangyang Liu, Jianhui Wang, Tian Xia, Yushan Zhao. Low-carbon-oriented dynamic optimization of residential energy pricing in China, Energy, 2014, 66(3): 610-623. (SCI)

[18] Yongxiu He, Yangyang Liu, Tian Xia, Min Du and Hongzhen Guo. The Optimal Price Ratio of Typical Energy Sources in Beijing Based on the Computable General Equilibrium ModelEnergies, 2014, 7(5): 2961-2984. (SCI检索)

[19] Yongxiu He, Bing Wang, Dacheng Li, Min Du, Kangren Huang, Tian Xia. Chinas electricity transmission and distribution tariff mechanism based on sustainable development, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2015, 64(1): 902–910. (SCI检索)

[20] Yongxiu He, Jixiang Zhang. Real-time electricity pricing mechanism in China based on system dynamics, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 94(3): 394-405. (SCI检索)

[21] Y.X. He, Y.Y. Liu, M. Du, J.X. Zhang, Y.X. Pang. Comprehensive optimisation of Chinas energy prices, taxes and subsidy policies based on the dynamic computable general equilibrium model, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 98(7): 518-532. (SCI检索)

[22] Yongxiu He, Dacheng Li, Tian Xia, Dong Song, and Bo Zhou. The Power Purchase Optimization Model in China considering the Renewable Energy Risks under Different Risk Preferences, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015: 1-11. (SCI检索)

[23] Yongxiu He, Yuexia Pang, Jixiang Zhang, Tian Xia, Ting Zhang. Feed-in tariff mechanisms for large-scale wind power in ChinaRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 51(11): 917. (SCI检索)

[24] Y.X. He, J.X. Zhang, Y. Xu, Y. Gao, T. Xia, H.Y. He. Forecasting the urban power load in China based on the risk analysis of land-use change and load density, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2015, 73(11): 7179. (SCI检索)

[25] Yongxiu He, Yang Xu, Yuexia Pang, Huiying Tian, Rui Wu, A regulatory policy to promote renewable energy consumption in China: Review and future evolutionary path, Renewable Energy, 2016, 89(4): 695–705. (SCI检索)

[26] Y. X. He, Y. Xu, T. Xia, and J. X. Zhang. Business Impact and Policy on the Major Players in the Market of the Development of Distributed Energy in China, Mathematical Problems in Engineering ,2016, 1-12. (SCI检索)

[27] Yongxiu He, Wenya Liu, Jie Jiao & Jie Guan. Evaluation method of benefits and efficiency of grid investment in China: A case study, The Engineering Economist, 2018, 63(1): 66-86. (SCI检索)

[28] Yongxiu He, Jie Jiao, Qian Chen, Sifan Ge, Yan Chang, Yang Xu. Urban long term electricity demand forecast method based on system dynamics of the new economic normal: The case of Tianjin, Energy, 2017, 133 (5): 9-22. (SCI检索)

[29] He Y X, Pang Y X, Shu H. The Synergy Mechanism of Promoting Renewable Energy Consumption in China, Energy Procedia, 2017, 105:327-334. (SCI检索)

[30] Yongxiu He, Qi Zhang, Yuexia Pang, The development pattern design of Chinese electric vehicles based on the analysis of the critical price of the life cycle cost, Energy Policy, 2017, 109(10): 382–388. (SCI检索)

[31] Yong-xiu He, Yue-xia Pang, and Jie Guan. A TOU pricing mechanism to promote renewable energy consumption: The case of the West Inner Mongolia grid in China, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017,(9):1-16. (SSCI检索)

[32] Yongxiu He, Yuexia Pang,Xinmin Li, Minhui Zhang. Dynamic subsidy model of photovoltaic distributed generation in China, Renewable Energy, 2018, 118(4): 555-564. (SCI检索)

[33] He Y X, Jiao Z, Yang J. Comprehensive Evaluation of Global Clean Energy Development Index Based on the Improved Entropy Method, Ecological Indicators, 2018, 88(5): 305-321. (SCI检索)

[34] He Y X, Guang F T, Chen R J. Prediction of electricity demand of China based on the analysis of decoupling and driving force, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018, 12(13): 3375-3382. (SSCI检索)

[35] Y.X. He, J. Jiao, R.J. Chen, H. Shu. The optimization of Chinese power grid investment based on transmission and distribution tariff policy: A system dynamics approach, Energy Policy, 2018, 113(2): 112-122. (SSCI检索)

[36] Sufang Zhang, Yongxiu He. Analysis on the development and policy of solar PV power in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews2013, 21(1): 393401. (SCI检索)

[37] Chenghong Gu, Furong Li, Yongxiu He. Enhanced Long-Run Incremental Cost Pricing Considering the Impact of Network Contingencies, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2012,27(1): 344 352. (SCI检索)

[38] Sufang Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao, Philip Andrews-Speed, Yongxiu He. The development trajectories of wind power and solar PV power in China: A comparison and policy recommendationsRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 26(10): 322–331. (SCI检索)

[39] Yongxiu He, Fengtao Guang,Meiyan Wang. The efficiency of electricity-use of China and its influencing factors, Energy, 2018,163(11): 258-269. (SCI检索)

[40] He Y X, Pang Y, Zhang Q, et al. Comprehensive evaluation of regional clean energy development levels based on principal component analysis and rough set theory, Renewable Energy, 2018, 122(8): 643-653. (SCI检索)

[41] Yuexia Pang,Yongxiu He,Hua Cai, Business model of distributed photovoltaic energy integrating investment and consulting services in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20192182): 943-965(SCI检索)

[42] Fengtao Guang , Yongxiu He , Le Wen , Basil Sharp, Energy intensity and its differences across China’s regions: Combining econometric and decomposition analysis, Energy,2019,180(8): 989-1000(SCI检索)

[43] Yongxiu He, Yi Zhang, Yuexia Pang, Comprehensive Evaluation of Global Clean Energy Development Level Based on Compatibility and Difference Degree, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2019(7):1-17(SCI检索)

[44] Fengtao Guang , Yongxiu He , Le Wen , Impacts of Hybrid Time-varying Tariffs on Residential Electricity Demand: The Case of Zhejiang Province, Utilities Policy, 201961(12): 100969(SCI检索)

[45] Yuexia Pang, Yongxiu He, Jie Jiao, Hua Cai, Power load demand response potential of secondary sectors in China:The case of western Inner Mongolia, Energy, 2020, 192: 116669SSCI检索)

[46] Yongxiu He , Meiyan Wang, Fengtao Guang, Applicability Evaluation of China’s Retail Electricity Price Package Combining Data Envelopment Analysis and a Cloud Model, Energies, 2020,13(6):1-20SSCI检索)

[47] Yongxiu He, Meiyan Wang, Jinxiong Yu, Qing He, Huijun Sun, Fengyu Su, Research on the Hybrid Recommendation Method of Retail Electricity Price Package Based on Power User Characteristics and Multi-Attribute Utility in China, Energies, 2020,13(2693):1-17SCI检索)

[48] Yongxiu H, Meiyan Wang, Fengtao Guanga, Weibo Zhao, Research on the method of electricity demand analysis and forecasting: the case of China, Electric Power Systems Research, 2020,187(10): 106408SSCI检索)


[1] 何永秀,韩金山,李莹. 电力与经济关系的计量分析.北京:中国电力出版社,2008

[2] 何永秀,刘敦楠,罗涛,王晶. 电力综合评价方法与应用.北京:中国电力出版社,2011